How to Handle Selling Jewelry After A Divorce

How to Handle Selling Jewelry After A Divorce

Giving jewelry has long been a treasured way to display love and affection in relationships. Unfortunately, those relationships don’t always end the way we had planned. When things go sour and we decide to split, it can be difficult to decide what to do with jewelry accumulated throughout the romance. Here are a few things…

Cufflinks Dos and Don’ts

Cufflinks Dos and Don’ts

Cufflinks can help bring together an outfit and they make a big difference in your overall appearance. While cufflinks may be the small, there is a right way and wrong way to wear them. Here, we discuss our top cufflink dos and don’ts to help you wear them the right way. Do: Opt for clean,…

Are Chokers in Style?

Are Chokers in Style?

The choker is a symbol of the 90s, and during most of the 2000s it seemed to remain that way. Recently, however, the choker has come back in style. In 2021, Tagwalk’s annual roundup noticed that the use of chokers had increased by 25.6 percent compared to 2020. In the following year, various fine jewelry…

How to Store Antique or Vintage Jewelry

How to Store Antique or Vintage Jewelry

Your vintage and antique jewelry is precious for more reasons than just the price. You likely obtained these pieces of jewelry from various situations in life, such as through inheritance or purchasing. This means that your jewelry is expensive, sentimental, or very rare. Regardless of how you obtained the piece, we know how much you…

Tips For Appraising Estate Jewelry

Tips For Appraising Estate Jewelry

  Jewelry at an estate sale can vary from an old heirloom to a dated antique. But whether you’re at an estate sale as a buyer or a seller, you may be wondering how much those pieces of jewelry should cost. Identification Everything comes down to identification. Unless you are a professional jeweler, you might…

What to Do with Inherited Jewelry

What to Do with Inherited Jewelry

When a loved one passes away, you will inherit many items from them. Many of these items may hold sentimental value to you. They may also be great decorative items in your home or in your wardrobe. This is especially true with your loved one’s jewelry. However, you can’t keep everything, and you may be…

How to Mix Metals

How to Mix Metals

Though vintage clothing and jewelry are always sought after, often the way we approach and incorporate them is different. Gone are the rigid rules of fashion; instead, consumers tend to take vintage pieces and refresh them with modern standards. One way to do this is to begin wearing mixed metals. Below are some tips to…

How to Clean Antique Jewelry

How to Clean Antique Jewelry

Your antique jewelry is only as valuable as you want it to be, meaning your level of care determines its resale value and worth. If any of your pieces are sentimental, then they are priceless and irreplaceable, so caring for them is even more crucial. To preserve the beauty of antique diamond jewelry, follow the…

The Ultimate Guide for Making Valentine’s Day Plans

The Ultimate Guide for Making Valentine’s Day Plans

Valentine’s Day is the perfect opportunity to show your significant other how much you love them. But whether you’ve been married for years or dating for just a few months, coming up with plans for Valentine’s Day can be difficult. Here, we provide some tips to ensure that your next Valentine’s Day is the best…

How to Wear Cufflinks

How to Wear Cufflinks

Cufflinks may be small, but they can make or break an outfit. After all, the little details can make a big difference in your overall appearance. Understanding how to wear cufflinks can help upgrade your outfits and your fashion sense. Here, we explore everything you need to know about wearing cufflinks. When to wear cufflinks…