How to Handle Selling Jewelry After A Divorce

How to Handle Selling Jewelry After A Divorce

Giving jewelry has long been a treasured way to display love and affection in relationships. Unfortunately, those relationships don’t always end the way we had planned. When things go sour and we decide to split, it can be difficult to decide what to do with jewelry accumulated throughout the romance. Here are a few things you can do to help you move on from the past by purging your collection.

Take some time, but not too much

The worst thing to do when dealing with valuable jewelry is to foolishly sell it the day you split. While this is hard to avoid when emotions are running high, getting swindled by a jeweler will only add to the hurt of a breakup. Take a moment to reflect on your relationship. There are even companies that sell miniature coffins to store your jewelry until you’ve decided to move on. In the meantime, contact Frank Pollak & Sons to explore your options for the future.

Keep your lawyer at bay

Handing over your wedding ring as a legal retainer is a somewhat common practice, but it’s not necessarily the smartest move. It often results in getting less of a return than you would have if you took it to a trusted jewelry buyer like Frank Pollak & Sons.

Make the sale

Eventually, you’ll want to make a decision and move on. Getting rid of jewelry and other physical objects with an emotional attachment can be a healthy step in moving on from a failed relationship. You deserve to be happy and healthy as can be. Cleaning out your physical closet will lead to a cleaner mental closet as well.

At Frank Pollak & Sons, we buy both modern and vintage jewelry. To learn more, contact us today.

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