Business is Booming for De Beers in Botswana

Business is Booming for De Beers in Botswana

Since the company was originally founded in 1888, De Beers has grown to become one of the largest diamond producers in the world—and in 2017, the company is more than living up to its reputation. Through the first half of the year, De Beers is on pace to produce more diamonds in Botswana than it…

World’s Largest Diamond Exploration Ship Sets Sail

World’s Largest Diamond Exploration Ship Sets Sail

Diamonds provide a rare glimpse into the world’s natural beauty—their elegance adding a stylish, gorgeous touch to the people who are lucky enough to wear them as jewelry. The diamond industry has been intensely competitive throughout its long history, with companies continually striving to find the highest-value diamonds to catch the eyes of their customers….

A New Tool in the Fight Against Synthetic Diamonds

A New Tool in the Fight Against Synthetic Diamonds

Some synthetic diamonds are pretty cheap looking while others are harder to spot. The ones that are hard to spot are the ones that cause concern for jewelry buyers. While you almost have to admire the work that goes in to creating one of these “fake diamonds,” you definitely don’t want to spend your hard-earned…

Art Imitating Life: Jewelry Inspired by Animals

Art Imitating Life: Jewelry Inspired by Animals

You’ve heard the saying “art imitates life,” right? Today, we have a few special pieces from the Frank Pollak & Sons collection that may prove this saying rings true – if you believe in unicorns, that is. The Unicorn Tappestry was created by Seaman Schepps in the United States in the 1940s. It is a…

Valuing a Diamond: The Four C’s of Value

Valuing a Diamond: The Four C’s of Value

Diamonds may be a girl’s best friend, but why are they a girl’s best friend? Why are diamonds considered to be such a hot commodity when it comes to jewelry? While the clarity and sparkling appeal of a diamond is obvious, why it is so highly valued and popular may not always be so clear….

The Right Cut: Understanding Different Diamond Cuts

The Right Cut: Understanding Different Diamond Cuts

Once upon a time, people were extremely concerned with size when it came to buying diamonds. The bigger the diamond, they thought, the better! That led to many people purchasing big diamonds, even if it meant that those diamonds weren’t necessarily of the best quality. This thinking has slowly transitioned, though, and now in 2017,…

What’s Old Is New Again: Vintage Jewelry in Style

What’s Old Is New Again: Vintage Jewelry in Style

It’s true what they say: what goes around comes around, and the same goes for fashion. Trends that were in vogue many years ago are coming back into style, which is why we love to celebrate vintage jewelry. According to Net News Ledger, vintage jewelry coming back into vogue follows a certain pattern. Holding onto…

Stacked Wedding Rings Allow for Great Interfaith Symbolism

Stacked Wedding Rings Allow for Great Interfaith Symbolism

These days, it’s not all about the engagement ring. More and more couples are spending much more time picking out a stackable-style wedding band set, and according to Glamour, this trend is here to stay. Glamour says that lots of women now prefer to wear their wedding bands without their engagement ring, saving the engagement…

Broaching the History of Brooches

Broaching the History of Brooches

Brooches have been used for both decorative and practical purposes since the Bronze Age. Despite the many changes in fashion since then, brooches are still used today as decorative jewelry. When first designed, brooches were used to fasten pieces of garments together – much like a safety pin – but since that time, this “pin”…

Natural Colored Diamonds: What Causes these Shades?

Diamonds always look amazing, no matter what color they might be, but have you ever wondered what causes diamonds that are other colors than the white, traditional diamond to take on their color? Let’s explore the most popular colored diamonds and how they get their look with information from Brown/Yellow/Orange Colored diamonds with these…