The World’s Most Valuable Gemstones

The World’s Most Valuable Gemstones

Sometimes, gemstones serve as time-honored heirlooms passed down through a family from one generation to another. There are other gemstones, however, that are so rare that they become astronomically expensive. For jewelers, rarity is a key factor in assessing the value of a gemstone.  In this entry, we’ll look at a few of the rarest, and consequently most valuable, gemstones in the world.




This beautiful emerald, apple, or bluish-green stone is worth more than $3 million per carat. The gemstone’s association with the ancient Olmec Civilization of Mexico has also contributed to its high cost. In China, jewelers value a white version of this stone that often has beautiful green specs throughout.


Red Diamond


These exceptionally rare diamonds typically sell for between $2 million and $2.5 million per carat. In spite of its name, there’s actually quite a bit of color variation in red diamonds; many are more purple than red. Red diamonds are mined in Australia, and only a few are found and sold at auction each year.




This striking gemstone is only mined in Sri Lanka and Burma. It typically is found in dark grayish-blue varieties, but pale yellow specimens have also been unearthed from time to time. This stone is worth about $1.8 million to $2 million per carat.


Blue Garnet


Garnet is found in all sorts of colors, from black to pink to colorless. The most valuable color, blue garnet, is worth about $1.5 million, and was first mined in Madagascar in the 1990s.




This gemstone, worth about $100,000 per carat, is named after the archaeologist who first discovered it in Madagascar while digging for the skeletal remains of an ancient elephant bird. This clear gemstone emits a ghostly blue-green and white light that has captivated gem enthusiasts for years.


It’s important to note that all of these gems are exceptionally rare, and therefore not likely to be found buried in your grandmother’s jewelry collection. In fact, many of these specimens are so rare that they can only be found in the collections of museum curators.


Not sure what your gemstones are worth? At Frank Pollak & Sons, we’ve been assessing the value of fine jewelry since 1905. Stop in today to learn more!

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