You may not envision the search for diamonds as a hunt that requires a specific set of tracking skills, but in fact, diamond hunters rely on a number of telltale signs to spot rocks that could potentially contain diamonds. Now, thanks to a recent discovery in geobotany, also known as the study of the geographical location of plants, their search might become a bit easier.
Scientists have discovered that a plant called Pandanus Candelabrum seems to only grow in soil that is rich in kimberlite. Kimberlite is an igneous rock often associated with the presence of diamond veins. Kimberlite pipes, or large veins of the earth that have shifted closer and closer to the surface of the earth as time has passed, bring diamonds from deep within the earth to the surface, where they can be mined and refined.
So, does the presence of this spiky and palm-like plant definitely indicate the presence of diamonds? Unfortunately for the diamond hunters, it does not. P. Candelabrum does tend to grown on parts of the earth that are rich in minerals, but only 10% of all kimberlite pipes found actually contain diamonds. Of that 10%, only about 10% of the diamonds excavated are high-quality gems.
The man who discovered the correlation between P. Candelabrum plants and kimberlite pipes is Dr. Stephen Haggerty, from the Florida International University in Miami. He suggests that this discovery could “…dramatically change the exploration dynamics for diamonds in West Africa…”
This method of geobotany has been used before, and has proven to be quite useful in the hunt for copper. If nothing else, this study will give the diamond hunters one extra clue to use to narrow their search.
Here at Frank Pollak & Sons, we’ve been searching for the finest diamonds in and around New York City for over a century. Over the course of our history, we’ve been fortunate enough to see some truly remarkable specimens pass through our doors. Give us a call or stop in today to learn more about all the fine gemstone jewelry available at Frank Pollak & Sons.